Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture
The first consultation is set to gather information, take a health history, outline a treatment plan, and, if appropriate, prescribe a Herbal Formula.
Clients who book this service should expect to follow up with GHC for a series of Acupuncture treatments to improve or
resolve the condition and discuss and modify the Herbal Formulas.
Note: In complex cases, there may not be time to preform acupuncture after taking a full health history; we offer an extended first time visit option for this reason.
Acupuncture, Bodywork &/or Herbal medicine at the clinician’s discretion. Consultation to catalog and quantify changes, and modify formulas.
Patients should expect to spend 45 dedicated minutes with their practitioner.
Acupuncture, Bodywork &/or Herbal medicine at the clinician’s discretion. Consultation to catalog and quantify changes, and modify formulas.
This option is for new patients who want to ensure time for treatment after their consultation and returning patients who require more than the standard 45 minutes with their practitioner.
Note: When selecting this option, please have a specific goal in mind; the standard 45-minute Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture appointment is most appropriate in most cases.
Wellness Services
*Wellness Services do not require new patient intake
Orthopedic care for sports injuries, tightness, and pain. Acupuncture and bodywork are included in this 45-minute session.
Alleviate stress and soften the neck & upper back or knees & lower back with this combination of acupuncture, massage, and bodywork.
Enjoy a soothing acupuncture and bodywork session to calm your body, mind, and spirit. May improve sleep, and mood and promote general well-being.